The Planning Department plans, organizes and coordinates all land use planning activities within the Town limits. This includes developing and implementing land use policies and regulations, and reviewing permit applications.
The town offers an informal pre-application meeting with staff to review individual proposals with the applicant prior to filing an application. This process can ultimately save the applicant time by expediting the review process.
The Concrete Municipal Code is available here.
Town of Concrete contracts with Town Planner Kevin Cricchio for its planning services.
Comprehensive Plan
The Town of Concrete Comprehensive Plan is the document that will guide growth in the community over the next 20 years in compliance with the Growth Management Act. The plan may be updated once per year and must be updated at least every seven years. The Planning Commission reviewed and updated the Comprehensive Plan in 2005. The document contains land use goals and policies, as well as the following elements:
- Land Use
- Housing
- Capital Facilities
- Economic Development
- Utilities
- Transportation
- Parks and Recreation
Public Hearing Meetings
Public hearings occur during regular Concrete Town Council meetings or at Planning Commission meetings, or both.
Notice of Application with Optional SEPA DNS: The Town of Concrete is seeking comments regarding a proposed code amendment to the Town of Concrete’s Boundary Line Adjustment (BLA), Chapter 17.16 of the Municipal Code. This is a non-project action.